Sunday, June 01, 2008

Easy Like Sunday

Dad has another story in the works in his head. He hasn't written the first word yet, but he's already smiling to himself and saying things like, "oh, that'll be good," so maybe he'll take some time and write one soon. Mom wanted more Josie, and Dad assured her that this one will feature a lot more Josie, since she really only appeared in one-and-a-half chapters and had minimal dialogue. Dad also said he'll trust spell check a little less, since "prophesy" is not incorrect, but more commonly spelled "prophecy" and that bugged Dad after he saw it up and it didn't look right. But most of all he's just happy that everyone enjoyed reading it.

Things are nice and calm today. We're all napping, like you should on a sunny Sunday.
Josie sleeping in a sunny spot
Josie has been spending a lot of time in the sunny spot beside the couch. Mom and Dad had to trim a branch back on one of the trees and it created a nice sun spot.

Maggie resting near Josie
When you find a good sunny spot, sometimes you'll even share it with your sister. It's nice to see Maggie resting near Josie without her turning it into a wrestling match. Maggie really likes to wrestle.

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