I hope everyone has a Happy New Year! This last year has seen many changes in our home as Maggie joined our family to make it four kittens total and we continued to make wonderful blogging cat-friends. Mom and Dad helped find homes for nine other kittens as well. There were lots of good naps, and chasing each other and that fun fun tree. (I don't have a very long-term memory, so my recap only goes back so far...)
Thanks to everyone who helped make this year a great one ... we've enjoyed you all so much! Have a very safe and happy new year!
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Maggie's new trick
Maggie is really good ... I have to give her that. Mom has a small trash can in her bathroom with a lid that you have to push in to throw stuff away (she throws away such great stuff!) and Josie, Huggy and I have never paid much attention to it. But Maggie has made a mission of it, and this morning revealed her trick to Mom and Dad. She paws at the push-in mouth, tips it slightly, and if it is full enough, she can grab a Q-tip out and runs off and chew it. Dad thought she had just gotten caught by it lid until he saw her playing with the Q-tip. Smart kitty...
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Holidays over yet?
I have enjoyed the holiday cheer and all, but Mom and Dad have been on the go so so much. I can't wait until we can have a nice lazy day with both of them.
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Jasper the Lion
My closet spot
Huggy in antlers
Oh happy day
Oh happy day, mom and dad are home. They went to Jackson, MS for Christmas and left me in charge here. We didn't tear one thing up while mom and dad were gone. They were so proud of us kittens. Mom even gave us some more of the toys that Aunt Tiff gave us for Christmas. (Josie ate the feathers off one thing already. I have pictures to prove it.)
Hope everyone had a very merry one!!
Hope everyone had a very merry one!!
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Merry Merry
Just in case this weekend gets as hectic as I imagine it could be, Josie, Huggy Bear, Maggie and I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Please be safe if you are travelling (or attacking your tree).
Loud bang
We had a bit of a scare this morning. Right when Dad was getting ready to head out for work there was a loud BANG from outside. Dad looked around back, and there is a bank of electric meters and one of them was smoking. I guess one of the breakers blew, and when Dad peeked inside the box, there were smoldering bits inside. Mom and Dad called the apartment maintenance guys and the electric company, but Mom was worried so she stayed home with us instead of taking Dad to work and running errands (translation: I got to nap with Mom this morning!). Fortunately, everything was handled quickly and there was no fire or anything -- we didn't even lose power, but I bet someone upstairs did! But loud bangs are no way to start your morning.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Christmas presents
Mom and Dad went to visit Aunt Cathy and Uncle Doug and their five kids and two dogs and one or two cats (they only saw one, but suspect two) and when they came back, they brought us gifts, too! We were so excited. We got a door knob hanger that says "Attack Cat On Duty" and they got this great great spinning laser light that puts a crazy red-dot bug on the wall in wild circles. Huggy, Josie and Maggie really enjoyed trying to catch that bug! Thanks "The Dougs" for our great gifts!
Goodbye tree
Well, the Christmas tree went away Sunday night. Mom and Dad decided it was a hazard and with us taking all the ornaments and Maggie laying across the branches and bending them all down, it was beginning to resemble Charlie Brown's twigmas tree. So it got packed up. I already can't wait for next year.
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Dum, dum ... out go the lights!
If you ask Dad he might make a convincing argument that today we are out to destroy everything. Maggie made a valiant effort to bring down the tree earlier when she was halfway up and Dad decided to squirt her with water to motivate her out. Well, when she jumped out she managed to snag a string of lights and Dad had to catch the tree. Then later tonight Dad was on the phone with an old friend catching up when he heard me jump back and hit the glass door and blinds and the lights went out -- now I'm not going to admit to chewing the cord, but let's say one half of it is broken now. (And I'm OK) So it looks like the lights will be staying off the rest of this Christmas.
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Josie and Huggy Bear
Our Christmas Card Picture
Christmas card
Mom and Dad worked real hard trying to get all four of us in front of the tree for a Christmas card picture. Ever hear the expression, "It's like herding cats" ... well, first, I don't know who would want to herd cars, but secondly, we proved that expression. Mom and Dad managed good pictures with two or three of us, and finally got a passable picture with all four of us. Then, after an hour of good aerobic exertion for them (heck, we all know they needed the exercise), they gave up and we all decided to hang out under the tree.
Monday, December 12, 2005
Closet climber

When Dad came home from work, he opened the closet to change clothes and I hopped into the back of the closet to one of my favorite spots -- and one spot that is JUST MINE. So Dad leaves the closet door cracked, and what happens? Josie comes in first and pulls out one of the weights Mom and Dad use when they walk on the treadmill (one pound, or 1/7 of her weight!), then later Josie is hopping around in the closet like she's trying to get on a box. And what does Dad see when he looks in? Maggie, of course! All the way at the top, among all the towels -- lots of towels... -- I'm amazed she didn't bring them down. She was purring so loud I'm surprised Dad didn't find her from that.
Update: Later, Dad looked in the closet and a bunch of towels were down. Not saying Maggie did it, but ...

Tree skirt
Baby Jasper

While looking for an old Christmas picture of me, I came across this one. When I was a kitten, Dad still had the webcam attached to the computer (dial-up ... never really used it) but he did get a few photos of me. This one is one of Dad's favorites and graced the desktop wallpaper for a long time. Now, my profile picture is the desktop wallpaper. Look how little I was.

Old Christmas pictures

I was looking for an old picture of me with the Christmas tree. When I was a kitten, Mom thought it would be cute to put reindeer antlers on me and take a picture for their Christmas card. This was before the digital camera, so after a roll of film (film!?! haha!) they managed one that would work and sent my cute cute picture to the entire family. But I can't find anything already on the computer so I'll have to dig for one of those. I did come across this one of me sleeping on the tree skirt. I've always tried to be a helper.

Sunday, December 11, 2005
Josie didn't share
The other day, it was raining, raining real hard. As part of raining hard in South Carolina it means we get an extra bug to hunt. It's just a fact of living in the South. Well, the other day, Dad opens the pantry door, and down drops something dark. Quickly, Dad sees it is a little roach. Well, Dad shoos it toward Josie for her to wrangle while he gets a paper towel to grab it and flush it, but then, as Dad goes to get it, Josie picks it up in her mouth and runs into the bathroom and plays with it some. So Dad comes in thinking, thanks for bringing it to the toilet so I can flush it. But Josie has no intention of playing Dad's version of "roach" and she picks it up and runs off again. Dad persued her a few more times, until he finally realized that that was Josie's roach, 100 percent, and that he'd best just wait and pick up the pieces later.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Tree update
Maggie has been busy. The tree looks sad, with droopy branches from Maggie lying across them. Current count of ornaments remaining on the tree: 3.
I think Dad is sending Maggie mixed signals about the tree. She will climb up it, he'll let out a requisite "ugh!" and a little huff, then he laughs, gets the camera, shoots a few pictures, then pulls her out with a gentle reprimand. Really, what's a kitten to think? I say it's a good thing she's cute.
I think Dad is sending Maggie mixed signals about the tree. She will climb up it, he'll let out a requisite "ugh!" and a little huff, then he laughs, gets the camera, shoots a few pictures, then pulls her out with a gentle reprimand. Really, what's a kitten to think? I say it's a good thing she's cute.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
A thing under the sink
Mom and Dad were watching TV and they kept hearing a thump-thump-thump like when Huggy Bear is trying to open a cabinet. Well, after a while, it kept going on, and they had seen Huggy Bear in the meantime, so Dad went to investigate. We had a thing under the sink, but not like Ginger had -- Maggie was under the bathroom sink playing and pushing the door. It looks like Huggy has shown her a thing or two... and not all good.
The tree returns
Well, after Mom and Dad returned from being out of town, they have finally brought the Christmas tree out of the big closet again. So far, Josie has gotten the "bitter end" spray (Dad got a little himself by accident), Maggie got sprayed with the squirt bottle, and, because Maggie ran toward the tree when she got sprayed instead of away from the tree, Huggy Bear got a "collateral damage" shot of water also. Dad made up with Huggy, but I'm thinking Huggy would have deserved it later, anyway, so call it a pre-emptive strike.
Wednesday, December 07, 2005
What a sight!
Mom and Dad had stopped by Pier 1 last night on their way home from Dad's work, and as they were leaving they saw a fox in the parking lot! This is a busy parking lot, with Pier 1, Target, Panera Bread and Starbucks, and here's this crazy fox running around. It was exciting for Mom and Dad since they'd never seen a fox out like that. I wish I had been there, just to see the fox. He didn't look like he would like to play, though...
Monday, December 05, 2005
Long weekend
Mom and Dad went to Aunt Tiff's for the weekend. We always miss them when they are gone and get a little crazy when they come back ... and this morning we are super fired up. To make matters worse, Mom has jury duty -- I don't really know what that is, but I do know after being gone all weekend, she'll be gone some more this week.
Right before Mom and Dad left on Friday, Maggie decided to show off and climb to the top of the Christmas tree ... no, she couldn't wait until they were gone. So Mom and Dad real quick put the tree in the big closet. When they moved it, I think they discovered our project ... most of the ornaments has been removed and were under the tree and amongst the presents. Busted!
Right before Mom and Dad left on Friday, Maggie decided to show off and climb to the top of the Christmas tree ... no, she couldn't wait until they were gone. So Mom and Dad real quick put the tree in the big closet. When they moved it, I think they discovered our project ... most of the ornaments has been removed and were under the tree and amongst the presents. Busted!
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Josie update
Mom took Josie back for her follow-up visit at the vet today. The doctor said Josie's eye was completely healed and that mom and dad did a "super excellent" job with her medicine. We are all so happy to have our sister back at 100%.
Josie wanted me to thank everyone for their very special messages to her.
Josie wanted me to thank everyone for their very special messages to her.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
O' Christmas Tree, Oh Kitten Tree

Unfortunately the picture didn't come out as clear as I had hoped, but as you can see there are Maggie and Josie in the tree. I'm sure there are going to be other opportunities to get pictures of those naughty kittens in the tree...it's not even December. Mom says Maggie is getting harder to take pictures of because she's slick.

Monday, November 28, 2005
Christmas tree
Mom and Dad put up the Christmas tree yesterday, using only unbreakable ornaments this time. Smart, since Maggie was caught halfway up the trunk last night. Pictures coming soon...
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Up on the door

This is one of my favorite spots to go -- the top of the door. Mom and Dad thought I might be too big, but I like to show off my dexterity. They only let me stay up here a minute, and I know Dad gets scared when I squeeze my head down between the door and the wall and swat between the door and the doorjam with my paw ... he thinks I'm going to lose my balance. I can't blame him because it does look awkward and he doesn't have a tail so he really can't relate. But there's just nothing like being up high like this!

Midnight waits of treats
Under the cube
Maggie cares for Josie
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
We're looking forward to Thanksgiving. Mom is making Cornish Hens this year since it's just Dad and her. I think hens sound tasty for us too.
Josie update
Josie's eye is doing much better -- so much so that after a few days of being nice and understanding, Maggie is back to pouncing on her. Josie is still being subjected to the eye ointment, though.
Monday, November 21, 2005
Poor Little Josie
Mom is getting ready to take Josie to the vet. Mom thinks that maybe during some kittycat roughhousing Josie's eye got scratched. She is having trouble opening it all the way, and her second eyelid is protecting the eye. It's not bloody or anything, but mom knows it hurts her and wants to get it taken care before it does become something bigger. Everyone think good thoughts for my little sister.
**Josie update: Mom just got home from the vet, and Josie has a corneal abcess from a scratch. The Dr. has her on an antibiotic, and get this they have to put right in her eye. Ugh! But luckily there weren't any sticky things. Josie has had such a big day with going to the vet's office then to dad's office to get her eye meds. Josie's so special to get to see dad during the day and where he works. Mom said Josie was a big girl and didn't even cry or hiss or bite the doctor.
**Josie update: Mom just got home from the vet, and Josie has a corneal abcess from a scratch. The Dr. has her on an antibiotic, and get this they have to put right in her eye. Ugh! But luckily there weren't any sticky things. Josie has had such a big day with going to the vet's office then to dad's office to get her eye meds. Josie's so special to get to see dad during the day and where he works. Mom said Josie was a big girl and didn't even cry or hiss or bite the doctor.
Saturday, November 19, 2005
Give me shelter

Huggy Bear investigates the shelter Dad constructed for Midnight. It's starting to get a little cool out there (yes, it even gets cold in South Carolina) and Mom and Dad wanted to make sure that Midnight had some shelter from the elements. We recently had some roofers working around the apartment and they are long gone, but their trash is not, so Dad snagged some plastic roofing pieces, bound them together in a bit of a makeshift lean-to, and there you go. Later today, he's going to find a spot for it in the woods out back and hopefully Midnight will be able to use it if he needs to. (Of course, Midnight is obviously a pretty savvy outdoor cat, but this gives Mom and Dad some peace of mind.)

Friday, November 18, 2005
Flying solo
I was especially good tonight during dinner and was allowed to stay out of the bathroom, sleeping on the couch the entire meal, while Huggy, Josie and Maggie spent the evening in the bathroom. Ah ... to enjoy the comforts of single child life again, if only for a few hours...
Dinner guests = bathroom exile
Dad's boss and his boss' fiancee are coming for dinner which means two things:
1) Huggy will defend us against the vacuum cleaner by lying on the cord while Dad tries to vacuum.
2) We will be exiled to the bathroom during dinner. Come on ... we wouldn't try to get on the table if Mom didn't fix such amazing food. Aw, who am I kidding, we'd still get on the table no matter what was served.
Well, off to the bathroom...
1) Huggy will defend us against the vacuum cleaner by lying on the cord while Dad tries to vacuum.
2) We will be exiled to the bathroom during dinner. Come on ... we wouldn't try to get on the table if Mom didn't fix such amazing food. Aw, who am I kidding, we'd still get on the table no matter what was served.
Well, off to the bathroom...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
Don't let Aunt Tiff near our cubes

Mom finally got all the kittens out the cubes and got them folded back up. Thank goodness Aunt Tiff didn't have to fold these back up or they would probably be thrown outside on the porch or in the trash.
Mom likes to tease Aunt Tiff about folding things like this up because Aunt Tiff was given a sun shield for her car made like this and she got so mad when she couldn't fold it back up she threw it across the parking lot. Then she took it to the girl's house that gave it to her and threw it on her front porch. :) In her defense they are a little tricky to fold up. Aunt Tiffy makes us laugh!! (and she buys us really good treats!)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Snuggling on a chill Saturday
Snoozing with Dad
Master Snacker

Josie is a master at stealing snacks now. Mom walked away from the pantry for one minute and Josie had this little bag of food out of the pantry and opened and having a snack-a-roo. Mom just calls her a silly kitten and puts the food in a ziploc for Josie to pull out of the pantry and chew through that bag.

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