My time came up sooner than I expected. The bone cancer in my jaw was progressing very quickly and I was getting very uncomfortable and uneasy. I was also starting to have some blood in my drool (and I was drooling a lot because of the tumor). So Mom and Dad made the difficult decision to help me across the Bridge a day sooner than expected. At least I get to be with Jasper and meet Fluffy (Mom's first cat) and Mom's Mom, who will give me so much love.
I made it one month short of 14 years, which is more than most get.
I was lucky because I was able to spend a bonus week with Mom and Dad. That's something Jasper didn't get to do. I got to say bye to Huggy Bear and Maggie. Yesterday I napped on Dad's chest on the couch (one of my favorite things) and slept at Mom's feet all night. The closure was nice.
I even spent some time patrolling the back yard (no squirrels today). Even to the end I stayed vigilant. I guess Huggy Bear will have to take over this job. He does like to sit on the back of the couch.
I'm not sure who will be assisting Dad in putting his shoes on in the morning either. That was kind of our thing. He'd put his shoes on and I'd rest my head on his shoe so he couldn't leave for work. Or I'd get his shoe strings. This never kept him from going to work but it did get me some extra love.
Mom and Dad said I was the best little tuxie girl they could have ever asked for. I never caused any trouble, didn't ever try to eat their food, and was always so social when we had company (especially to the men).
Huggy Bear will also be taking over blogging duties after a brief break.
Thanks for all the purrs and prayers and well wishes. You guys have been the best friends for the past 14 years!
(Also cancer sucks. And I'll be perfectly fine being the last one to cross the Bridge in 2018 -- it's been a tough year with way too much loss. Purrs to you all, and give your people some extra love tonight.)