Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Tabby Tuesday

Mom and Dad insist on buying t-shirts for Maggie. I hope this trend remains a "Maggie thing" because I don't want to have to put a hairball in their shoes anytime soon. As it goes, I think Maggie gets the shirts because they fit her, and she's starting to get used to it. She's no fashionista like Daisy, but she tries her best.

Mom tried to bribe Maggie with treats, but Maggie was a little unsettled by the t-shirt on her back and just sniffed them.

You may notice this is no ordinary t-shirt, though, it is a "Naughty" t-shirt, so maybe that's why Maggie is wearing it. They must have known that she'd be playing with the tree and the ornaments, so they got her a naughty Christmas t-shirt so everyone knew.

Despite her naughtiness, she tried her best to be a good model. (And later she did admit that she thought it was cuter than her other shirt that fits her more snugly.)

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