You can see it looks like one of out play tents, only bigger. Josie likes to hang out in it. She's the bravest around The Twins.
She'll play in the tent, but the cars really don't so much for us. In this picture the tent was working as a barricade to keep The Twins in the kitchen (the gate is just a little short for this entry).
Maggie likes the tent too, but only after The Twins are in bed.
Clearly, your people need to get you one of those. It looks AWESOME!
I LOVE this tent! Clearly it is wasted on human kittens.
It is from Target, and not much more than a normal cat tent. Unfortunately it only comes out when The Twins are here.
That tent sure looks like fun! As long as there's no little beans in it. :)
Holy CAT! 18 month old TWINS? We agree - VERY brave!
Hmmm, I just realized that when we moved, we lost our tent cube. Target, here we come!
That is a wonderful tent, big enough for a nip party.
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