Maggie loves to sit on an envelope. Mom was opening Christmas cards and Maggie came and took a perfect loaf pose with her front paws tucked under.
Earlier tonight Dad thought he was being smart. He had brought Steak n' Shake burgers home and thought he'd distract me by fixing some stinky goodness while they ate. What he didn't realize was that the stinky goodness would wait while I begged for burger bits (I did get some, and licked the wrapper). And now to go check on that stinky goodness.
Maggie is cute sitting on the envelope! Your dad should know that burger will always take preference over stinky goodness.
Maggie, you are very cute, and very smart!
guyz... we iz offline fora while sew we wood like ta wish everee one a most merree Christmas anda happee healthee total lee awesum 2019 ♥♥♥
Maggie just wanted to make sure those envelopes didn't get away. And we're with you on that burger thing!
Glad you got some :)
I like to sit on paper too. I’ll have to try an envelope. ~Ernie
WE love that you are so well spoiled :)
Envelopes, treats and stinky goodness. That is pawsome.
Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ
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