My abscess is healing nicely and I'm feeling much better. Thanks for all the well wishes. Hurricane Matthew passed by us with few issues locally. We had heavy winds gusting up to 52 mph, and hard rain steadily on Saturday. In Columbia we had about 240 trees down and 31 roads blocked, but we were unaffected. Today was a prefect day, so nice that we had our windows open and enjoyed some fresh air.
During my illness Maggie was acting weird. Mom and Dad decided she had bruised her paw pad or tweaked her back left leg because of how she was behaving. She seems to be moving better now, but Mom also noticed that she was down about two pounds (now 7 1/2) which caused some concern. We are now trying out some wet food to try to get a little weight back on her, but so far it's Josie and I who are benefiting from the wet food. Dad bought 12 different brands and styles and we are taste testing them. We'll let you know our verdict once we've tried them all.
We're glad you're feeling better now, Jasper. We hope Maggie is okay. And we're glad Matthew wasn't too bad for you.
I'm glad you are feeling better, Jasper and that Matthew did not do damage to your 'hood. I hope Maggie feels better soon!
We hope everyone continues to improve. We're glad y'all were safe from Matthew - we are in Fayetteville, NC so we took some hits, but purrsonally we're ok.
I hope that everyone gets to feeling better--and enjoy the taste testing!
I am glad you are feeling better, Jasper. I hope Maggie is soon better too.
Taste-testing? That sounds like fun! Glad you're better and hope Maggie is better soon. Good that you were all safe during the hurricane, too!
So glad you are feeling better Jasper.
WE didn't fare as well from Matthew. We're just getting back to some normalcy here!
Hope Maggie feels better very soon.
I`m so glad you are better! And I hope Maggie will be better soon!
Jasper we are sending healing purrs to you and Maggie, hope you are both well soon. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!
I am glad you are feeling better. Happy Blogoversary!
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