Monday, December 31, 2007
Midnight Mancat Monday
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Easy Like Sunday
[Laurence Simon is hosting his final go at the Carnival of Cats before passing it off in the new year. I've never participated in the carnival of cats, although I linked to Is Full of Crap years ago. My Uncle Doug pointed me to Is Full of Crap and I would visit it infrequently and randomly, but I just wanted to acknowledge what he did for us cat bloggers. I know he's stepping away from the cat blogging, but he did a lot to pave the way for a lot of us cat bloggers, and it's important to send head bumps and purrs to cat blogging pioneers like him. Thanks, Laurence, for all you've done for us blogging cats!]
Saturday, December 29, 2007
PhotoHunt: Messy
But Maggie isn't always messy, either. She takes a lot of pride in her cat stroller.
Here she is doing some maintenance on her cat stroller so that it doesn't get messy and break down on us during a walk. She's checking the tires, looking for pebbles that may have gotten stuck in the tread that may make the ride rough, which can make a mess of a good stroll.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Patiently waiting

You can see here Josie did a great job watching for Mom and Dad. She said if she ever went to the Gulf of Mexico she'd have to stay in one of those houses with a widow's watch so she could watch over everything because that's what she does best.
(We need to tell everyone that Mom and Dad's friend Tish has been promoted to Aunt Tish status after checking in on us the whole time. She freshened our litter boxes, gave us treats and water and food, and even vacuumed before Mom and Dad came home -- no evidence of any parties -- don't tell Mom. Aunt Tish is a superstar!)
Monday, December 24, 2007
Midnight Monday -- Waiting for Santa

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!
PS. I think Dragonheart's little brother is just the cutest Christmas present I've seen all year (not that I'm asking for a kitten or anything...).
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Huggy's a big helper

I did caution Huggy Bear to be sure to get out of the box before Mom got it all taped up and ready to mail (he did) or there would be another Christmas present in Knoxville...
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #7 -- Mom and Dad's lame excuses
1. Christmas shopping -- really? Because we all know they did the majority of the shopping on the Friday after Thanksgiving.
2. Wrapping gifts -- OK, Mom did go to Dad's work and wrap a bunch of gifts for everyone there so they didn't have to do it at home, but what was that, three days? Not a convincing excuse.
3. Holiday baking -- sure, Mom did some baking, but she was up into the wee hours of the night. What was she doing for the rest of the day? We could have used her thumbs to help us visit blogs!
4. Company -- their friend Chris visited on Sunday through Tuesday, and he did have Mom busy. He was nice, although he did accidentally lock HB and Maggie in the dark garage for about 15 minutes. So maybe this one is OK ... maybe.
5. Cleaning house for visitors -- honestly, Mom and Dad keep a neat house, but they haven't been doing any hardcore cleaning.
6. Working on their own blog -- fat chance of that ... they have been behind on the human blogging for a while now with very random and haphazard posting.
7. Dad's working on the cars -- after poking under the hood of the VW (have you ever looked at the engine of a VW -- it's encased in plastic and you can't really do a darned thing, but anyway ...) after looking under the hood of the VW Dad realized something for sure -- he's no mechanic. He checked the oil in the Maxima, but has no idea where the coolant is leaking from in the VW. Yeah, so after 15 minutes he still knows nothing. That leaves plenty of time to get back in here and help us blog.
8. Christmas cards -- sounds like a good excuse for sure, but reality is the cards just went out this week (a little late by Mom's standard), so this one doesn't really fly.
9. Time going by at double-time -- well, time is going by faster. My naps even feel a little shorter. But I'm sure there's a few minutes in the day for visiting friends.
10. Raking leaves -- this one I don't even understand. They rake these things up, then they just come back. Seems to me they could be inside visiting blogs instead. The blogs come back, too, but their return is much more interesting than the leaves'.
11. Dad's tired after working all day -- likely story! Dad's tired from sitting around. I haven't been to his work, but I know from his fussing that work is slower this time of year, so I don't know why he's tired.
12. Holiday stress -- none of those Christmas songs we have been hearing say anything about stress, so I think Mom and Dad have made it up. I mean, really, dinners, parties, gatherings. Shopping, looking at Christmas lights, running back out to the store for that "last thing" ... where's the stress in that? And how better to de-stress than to visit cat blogs?
13. A million things to do -- if you have a million things to do, why not just add one more? One more thing hardly holds any statistical significance when you are in the millions. If you were a scientist, that "one more" would never even make it into the equation. So go ahead, Mom and Dad, add one more thing to the million things you're already doing and visit those blogs!
So you be the judge ... I think they're all a bunch of lame excuses, and even if it's a viable excuse, it doesn't make up for the fact that Mom and Dad are not allowing us proper blog visiting time, and for that, we all apologize. So hopefully, once the holidays and the visitors and the chaos is passed we'll be back to normal and catching up with everyone. In the meantime, it we haven't visited and commented, just remember, it's Mom and Dad's fault.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Tabby Tuesday

This is one of Mom and Dad's favorite recent tree pictures of her. She's all tucked in as far back and under the tree as she can be, and peeking through the branches like a jungle cat. But don't worry, unless you're getting treats or crushed ice, there's little chance of her bounding out from under the tree any time soon.
Monday, December 17, 2007
Midnight Monday

Saturday, December 15, 2007
PhotoHunt: Small

Thursday, December 13, 2007
Secret Paws is here!
Thanks again Abby and Boo for this excellent Secret Paws gift! We'll be enjoying it for a long time. And we helped Mom pack up our Secret Paws package to go out ... just one more thing to complete it and it'll be in the mail Saturday.
Thursday Thirteen #6 -- Sticking out her tongue

1. She's a sassy little girl and is showing us all.
2. I called her "naughty" and showed pictures of her in her naughty t-shirt last week and she's not happy with me.
3. ::raspberry::
4. She was sleeping in front of the space heater (before it turned hot outside).
5. She thinks she needed some pink in the picture to offset her fur.
6. Dad used day-old milk in his cereal and she drank some.
7. Tired of the same old treats.
8. She's expressing her disappointment that all those new toys and treats coming into the house are for Secret Paws and not for her.
9. She's really a snake.
10. Girls just like to razz boys any way they can.
11. She's the youngest so she knows she can get away with bad behavior.
12. She told a joke and we didn't laugh so she suck her tongue out at us.
13. She didn't think Santa Claws was looking so she had to get the "bad" out of her system real quick by sticking her tongue out at me.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
(Not exactly) Wordless Wednesday

::whispering on Wordless Wednesday:: If anyone would like to get a Christmas card from us or exchange Christmas cards with us please email your snail mail address to jenianddean AT gmail DOT com. Mom and Dad finally gave up on getting a group picture and compromised and the cards are cute (if I say so myself) and ready to go out...
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Tuxie Tummy Tuesday

I'll just roll over
Originally uploaded by jenianddean
Josie loves the guest bed, especially when it's made and the morning sun is shining in. She will curl up, stretch out or just roll around on it. I think she was begging Mom for some tummy rubs here. And, really, how could Mom resist?
Monday, December 10, 2007
Moncat Monday

We are big helpers!
Originally uploaded by jenianddean
Some cats may say it's not very Mancatly to play with your sister and fold laundry, but I disagree. Mom and Dad were fluffing the sheet up to fold it and I did a complete cannonball into the middle of the sheet. Josie thought it looked so fun that she joined in. Mom and Dad even had fun with it watching us pounce the sheet and chase the wrinkles.
Saturday, December 08, 2007
PhotoHunt: Long

Thursday, December 06, 2007
TP Thursday
PS Mom finally posted the raspberry almond cake on her kitchen blog.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Christmas Cards
Widebody Wednesday
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Tabby Tuesday
Mom tried to bribe Maggie with treats, but Maggie was a little unsettled by the t-shirt on her back and just sniffed them.
You may notice this is no ordinary t-shirt, though, it is a "Naughty" t-shirt, so maybe that's why Maggie is wearing it. They must have known that she'd be playing with the tree and the ornaments, so they got her a naughty Christmas t-shirt so everyone knew.
Despite her naughtiness, she tried her best to be a good model. (And later she did admit that she thought it was cuter than her other shirt that fits her more snugly.)
Monday, December 03, 2007
Midnight Monday

Originally uploaded by jenianddean
Huggy Bear just loves to poke around the corner and keep tabs on things. His favorite spot is in the upstairs hall bathroom, half on the cool floor, half on the carpet, peeking around corner where he can monitor both Mom in the office and the activity from the top of the stairs. This is his second favorite spot, in the space between the garage door and the kitchen, waiting for treats or a piece of ice to chase and play with.
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Christmas tree
Friday, November 30, 2007
How I see myself in my dreams
Floofy Friday
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Thursday Thirteen #5 -- Answers and thoughts
1. Josie was helping Mom bake a cake for Thanksgiving at Dad's work.
2. This is an old Williams-Sonoma recipe from one of the cookbooks that Mom has been making for about 14 years now.
3. It's one of those recipes where when you go to open the cookbook it opens straight to that page.
4. Josie didn't get to eat any of the cake, but Mom did let us taste the icing and let's just say YUM!
5. The cake didn't last long enough to share, but I'll ask Mom to post it on her kitchen blog soon, because I know she took pictures of it.
6. Dad said it was one of the best ones she's ever made, and the raspberries were some of the best raspberries we've found since moving to South Carolina.
7. The cake has raspberry jelly between the layers, which brings me to a funny story...
8. ... Once, when Mom was first making this cake, before we were around, Mom had another cat named Fluffy who was helping in the kitchen...
9. ... Mom was melting the jelly for the in-between layers when she touched some metal on the pan and burned her hand ...
10. ... as she burned her hand, she dropped the pan and melted raspberry jelly went all over the place, and all over Fluffy...
11. ... fortunately, Fluffy was very fluffy and did not get burned, but Mom rushed him to the bathroom and he licked and licked and licked the jelly off before Mom could get him cleaned.
12. (I bet it tasted good, but I don't know if I want jelly splattered on me...)
13. And a totally random thought ... Mom and Dad watch Lost, and really enjoyed reading Hurley's blog (OK, the actor's blog) ... it's very fun, and there's a post about them feeding the cats that they find in a parking lot near Roy's.
PS We got our Secret Paws' names! We are so excited!! And as always...Thank you, thank you, thank you to DKM!
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Tabby Tuesday

Warming Tracey and Clay's bed
Originally uploaded by jenianddean
When company comes it means we have increased responsibility. Maggie's job was one of the high-demand jobs around the house -- warming up the guest bed. Mom and Dad try to stop us from doing this when Aunt Tiff comes (something about allergies) but Maggie was all over this job before Tracey and Clay and Garrett came for Thanksgiving. You can see how hard she's concentrating on her nap here. That's dedication.
Monday, November 26, 2007
Mancat Monday

So whatcha thinking about Huggy Bear?
Originally uploaded by jenianddean
We had company for Thanksgiving. Mom and Dad's friends Tracey and Clay flew in from Iowa and brought their two-and-a-half-year-old son Garrett with them. Garrett was fascinated with us, but Huggy Bear (Huddy Bear to Garrett, whose nose was stuffed up) was the one who was Mancat enough to dare to be near Garrett. Maybe it was because HB weighed the draw of the turkey scent over the fear of sticky fingers, maybe he was drawn in by someone who wanted to play feathers-on-a-stick with him, but by the end of the weekend Garrett was sitting in Dad's lap watching Conjunction Junction over and over again (he liked trains a lot) and HB was laying pressed up against Dad's leg letting Garrett gently pat him. Although we were a little out of sorts with the little guy around, it's only been a day and we miss him already.

Thursday, November 22, 2007
Thanksgiving Thursday
Maggie said she is thankful for her orange blanket that she loves to sleep on and nuzzle, for treats, and her high napping spot in the garage.
Huggy Bear is thankful for morning treats when Dad first goes downstairs, for Maggie who always wants to hang out with him, and for not getting fussed at when he begs for turkey.
Josie is thankful for brushes under her chin, and the coat closet hiding place, and special Mom time when Josie gets under the covers and snuggles against Mom's leg at night.
I am thankful for my sink to nap in, my catstand to nap in, and brushes on the corner of my mouth.
We are all thankful for our family, our wonderful blogging friends and the good health of everyone.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving and I hope everyone gets some turkey today!
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Mancat -Toesies Tuesday
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Easy Like Sunday
Friday, November 16, 2007
Floofy Friday

PS Aunt Tiffy - I will trim my toesies before you come and visit for Christmas. I know how my toesie floof bothers you. But if I trim my toesie floof for you, what are you going to do for me? I hope whatever it is it comes in the shape of catnip or a new mousie. Thanks!!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Tattle Tail Thursday
I'll tell the rest of the story this afternoon.
As Paul Harvey would say, and now for the rest of the story...
You see, Mom and Dad have company coming for Thanksgiving (well, I guess technically we all have company coming, but Mom and Dad are doing all the prep work for the visitors), and Dad was putting the towels away last night. As he did this, Huggy Bear rushed into the linen closet and curled up in the bottom. Well, Dad saw HB there and left the linen closet open until HB decided he was done. It was late and Dad did a quick check (obviously too quick) and thought the closet was empty and shut the door and went to sleep. There were no audible protests from Maggie, and Mom and Dad didn't even notice us come to her rescue and camp out at the door as we sometimes do when one of us is locked in somewhere.
Fast forward to morning, to top things off, Dad overslept by almost an hour. So poor Maggie wasn't just stuck in the linen closet, she was stuck in the linen closet for an extra hour. Dad woke to realize that his carpool ride was sitting in the driveway. He called her to say to go on without him and he went to the linen closet to get a clean towel and wash cloth (good thing he's dirty and showers every day!) and when he opened the linen closet there was little Maggie, curled up in the bottom of the linen closet in a nest of wash clothes she had pulled down. She had picked at the carpet some like she had tried to dig her way out, but there were no "accidents" (although Dad may get an "accident" on his pillow if he does this again...). Maggie got some "we're so sorry" treats from Mom and now she's acting OK, hanging out with Mom and cleaning her a little.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
What'cha lookin' at dad?

Originally uploaded by jenianddean
Maggie loves to smack her toys under the couch. The way she tells mom and dad that her favorites are under there is she gets down really low, and stares under the couch like there is a bug under there. Then dad or mom gets down and looks under the couch. It's really hard to tell what you are going to find under there. This day it was a green crinkle ball, an orange ball, a green mouse, and a Dots candy box from Halloween. Maggie loves to play with candy wrappers. Silly sister!