Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day and What I Didn't See

First of all, Happy Valentine's Day to all our friends in the Cat Blogosphere! Maggie wants to send a special Valentine's hello to her best blogosphere buddy Scout. We hope everyone gets extra love from their beans today. It's rainy here to it's looking like a good snuggle in day.

The other day, when it wasn't raining, I was in Mom and Dad's room looking out the window.

Jasper looking out the window
There's a roof over the front porch. I was looking to the left, when I should have been looking to the right. It's hard to see in this picture, in the top left corner, but here's what I didn't see...

The bird on the roof that Jasper didn't see
...a cute little bird was perched on the edge of the roof. I think this birdy is hanging out in the big bush on the side of the front porch. But she was so still that I never even noticed her. I'm sure she'll be back, and I'll be more attentive next time.

[And, ironically, we got 13 comments on our Friday the 13th post. How funny is that?]

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