I was in the window first when Maggie decided to come and join me. We had to discuss if this was OK.

I'm a good big brother, so it should come as no surprise that I shared the window with Maggie with little fuss.
Mom and Dad had a friend who was in the hospital, so Friday and Sunday nights Mom stayed with her at the hospital. We missed having Mom home, so when Dad was in bed those nights we all slept in Mom's spot and on her pillow. Then Monday Mom stayed home because she was exhausted and needed the day to recover, and Maggie was Mom's shadow. Maggie didn't like not having Mom home at night, so she was determined to make sure Mom stayed put. Unfortunately it's back to work for Mom today.
don't they know that we gets all werried when they doesn't come home at night? so we has to follow them around to make shur that they doesn't leave again too soon
At least you can have open windows! It's too cool now for us.
We hope your mom and dad's friend recovers quickly--lots of healing purrs from us!
My Purr Gang has their routines too and if I'm gone they don't like it.
Hope your friend improves ...
Maggie is a good little girl and it's sweet that she missed your mom like that!
None of us mind sharing a window as long as its opened far enough for sharing and not jockeying for position
We always get quite distressed when the Woman is not home. She is the only one to cuddle with! I hope your friend in the hospital gets better soon.
At least someone was home to feed you, that's the important thing, right? Well, that and an open window to share ;)
We get elebenty-four kinds of distressed if one of our Persons go missing. It's just Not Right!
Purrs for your friend.
You are a good brother to let Maggie share the window with you.
We hope your mum's friend soon gets better.
It's nice of you to share the window with Maggie...we might not have been so nice.
We hope your mom and dad's friend will be okay...we don't like it when our mom is gone at night either!
Jasper, you are a very good brother! I think all of the McKitten-cats need to sit on their mother to slow her down!
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