Monday, October 27, 2008

Mancat Monday

Last night Mom was a cooking machine, preparing many meals in advance so that Mom and Dad eat well during the week. That required some snoopervising by Huggy Bear, but honestly, he got a little bored. So during a break from snoopervising, Bear decided to patrol and found a moth fluttering against the back window. He whapped the window real good several times, but the moth kept coming back. He asked Dad to let the moth come in, but Dad said it was best that HB just play with the moth from the other side of the glass.

Huggy Bear vs the moth
Huggy Bear in full strike pose. Unfortunately you can't see the moth, but it was a good one, and sure would have been fun to have in the house. For all his hard work, HB was rewarded with a little chicken, so it was OK that the moth stayed outside, I guess.

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