Friday, June 06, 2008

Froggy Friday

It must have been a year ago when Josie freaked Mom out by coming in from the garage with her tongue sticking out and dripping mouth foam everywhere, Huggy Bear and Maggie right behind her. Josie apparently corner a frog and Mom suspects Josie licked the frog, leaving her with a bad taste in her mouth and a reason to exit the garage quickly.

So last night, Dad looked into the garage and Huggy Bear, Maggie and Josie were all investigating a corner of the garage. Dad saw where the paint drop cloth had fallen, and figured this had gotten their attention. But as he put the drop cloth away Maggie went deeper into the corner and was looking around an extra plunger (always good to know, if you are a guest -- extra plunger in garage!). When Dad moved the plunger, there it was, another frog in the garage -- the second one in a week. Well, Dad wrangled HB, Josie and Maggie then set the frog free in the bushes out front.

Dad found us checking out another one earlier in the week. Josie had it hopping along the garage door. Again Dad brought us in, opted against licking it like Josie did last year, and instead let it out.

Frog set free
Here's Mr. Frog, in the little sandy spot by the garage. He quickly moved to the mulch and disappeared under a bush.

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