I know I've been lax on visiting and commenting lately with the holidays and such, and I promise to get back on track in the new year (no, not a resolution -- those you break, this I won't). To make up for not visiting as much as I should be, I offer you the following photos of us watching squirrels:

We all got very excited -- the yard was full of birds and a squirrel was digging in the flower bed just in front of the dining room window. It takes a special event to get us all in one window.

Maggie was very intrigued by the activity of the squirrel, who was either burying or digging for dinner.

Look at him giving us the business! Sassy squirrel!

I decided to give him the business right back.

Look at him, Bear!

Bear found another squirrel on the back porch. (The dead plant isn't really there, and is just a figment of your imagination. It's Dad's fault...)

Mom's sister-in-law said we had a lot of squirrels. Dad said he thinks it's just two squirrels, over-and-over again. Either way, it's fun for us to watch.

He's even taunting us from the tree!
OK, enough squirrel pics for now, I guess ... it was a busy day of squirrel watching, really, and not a bad way to kick off the new year.
Be safe and watch out for the fireworks!
Be safe and watch out for the fireworks!