Monday, April 29, 2024

Aslan on the stairs

On Saturday Aslan came halfway down the stairs. Mom was putting her shoes on and Dad was by the door and he said, "Slowly look behind you." Dad walked to the kitchen to grab some treats but I was coming from the kitchen toward the stairs and Aslan heard Dad say, "Loki, you want a treat?" Dad was trying to distract me, but Aslan heard him and turned tail and went back to the bed. A few times last week Aslan came out and even got on the bed when Mom had snacks. He's always been food motivated. I think I'll probably spend some time in the bathroom and Mom may try to entice him with some cheese. He needs to get his groove back. But the stairs was a huge step! 


Eastside Cats said...

Treats work for me; am sure they'll work for Aslan!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hopefully the appearance on the stairs is the start of more to come.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

awesom dood….noe pun inn tended….but one step
atta time….dad N mom knead ta get sum reel live
dead shrimpz out for ewe ta smellz 🍤🍤😺‼️💙