Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Guilt trip

Dad was trying to trim Huggy Bear's "thumb" claw because it was getting really long, and it was hard to get to, and Dad trimmed it shorter than he meant to. Mom and Dad feel terrible. It didn't bleed, but they know what it's like when you trim your own nails too short. So he's going to get a little extra spoiled the next few days. 


Summer at said...

That's happened here a couple of times. I always get extra hugs (but honestly? Treats would be better!).

Ivan from WMD said...

Poor Huggy. Our mom is secretly terrified to cut our claws, so we use that to our advantage and usually she only gets the very tips. She's had a close call or two herself.

da tabbies o trout towne said...

we haz had that happen heer two.....
tell dad knot ta feel bad..... ♥♥

The Island Cats said...

Poor Huggy Bear. That happened to me once...and it bled. Ouch! ~Wally