Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Veggies to eat

Maggie likes to chew on celery when Mom is cooking but Mom was worried that celery might be bad for us so we did a little searching. Dad found this interesting article, that says celery is ok:

We aren't going vegetarian, but I'm glad to know I can chew on some celery leaves.

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Black Cat Appreciation Day

Today is Black Cat Appreciation Day. I know I am appreciated every day, but I expect a little extra love from Mom and Dad tonight. Black cats are pretty awesome and deserve appreciation.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Watching TV with Mom and Dad

Every now and then Mom and Dad will break their routine and hang out in a different room. They got on a kick of watching Motive and were catching up on old episodes in the bonus room, which was great because that room has one of my favorite couches to hang out on.

Jasper watching tv on the couch
Here I am on the back of the couch. I kind of blend in to this couch, so I can disappear and just chill out. It is a super comfortable old leather couch, and definitely one of my favorites. This room is also where the laundry is, so it's cool when I get to lay on sorted piles of clothes. (This is also probably why Mom and Dad don't use this room as much -- they feel they should be doing laundry if they are back there. But it has the best AC in the house, too.)

(Also, I can't believe it's been 11 days since my last post. I know I get out of the routine some, but I didn't mean for it to be this long...)

Saturday, August 02, 2014

Mom and Dad's vacation

Mom and Dad took a little beach vacation last Thursday to Monday. They went down to Fripp Island, SC with a few friends. The island is really pretty and is also a nature preserve, so there are a bunch of vishus deer (and alligators too). Mom and Dad saw a bunch of deer, but only one young alligator, but they didn't get a picture of him.

Cat trees
Mom and Dad both noticed this little cluster of trees as they drove in. This isn't the best angle to get the look, especially from a moving car, but Mom and Dad both thought these trees looked like a cat. They wanted to try to get a better picture, but there never was a good opportunity.

Vishus deer
This is Aunt Tiff feeding one of the vishus deer by hand. She was very brave. This deer also helped himself to some of the carrots in the bag.

Deer in marsh
The deer are everywhere at Fripp Island (well, except on the beach). Mom and Dad enjoyed seeing them and said they were very pretty, but I'm still keeping my distance, just in case.

Friday, August 01, 2014

Cheating on us...

Mom had a visitor at work yesterday... a little kitten named Ruby.

Jeni and Ruby
Look at Mom here, cheating on us with little Ruby, their friend Samantha's new kitten.

Ruby helping Jeni at work
Ruby got to play on Mom's desk. We've never even been to Mom's office (of course, that would involve the car, and we don't want anything to do with that, but still...)

Ruby in the window
The window frame is very big, but Ruby is also very tiny. She liked this spot. I'm sure I would fit perfectly there (if not for the whole getting in the car thing...).

Ruby on Jeni's desk
Well she is pretty cute though. I guess I'm OK with her visiting Mom, but only at work. I'm not too sure about her visiting us at the house.