Thursday, September 05, 2013

Proper snoopervision

Jasper investigating the shrimp
Sometimes proper snoopervision is necessary. I may be 11 years old, but that doesn't mean I can't start doing new things. Lately, I've really enjoyed getting on the bar portion of the counter between the kitchen and living room and snoopervising Mom as she works in the kitchen. This is her favorite work spot, by the sink and stove where the big cutting board is. She doesn't seem to like it too much when I come over and try to sit on the cutting board (I can't figure out why). I can't remember what Mom was fixing here, but I'm pretty sure I didn't get to eat any of it. (Mom's making a funny face at me in this picture because I was staring at her.)


Summer at said...

My human's boyfriend gets quiet unhappy when Binga gets on the counter... especially if he is trying to make something!


Jasper without our supervision we don't know how our Mom and Dad could get anything done.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Snoopervising the Beans is very important Jasper.

A Tonk's Tail said...

MOL! Snoopervision is a FURRY Impawtant job for us kittehs, Exhausting too. Didja get TREATS for all your hard work?