Thursday, September 06, 2012

Company coming

Mom's cousin from California is coming for a visit. She hasn't seen him in years and years, so she is very excited. But that meant a lot of cleaning around the house last night. They had to wash our furs off of the guest duvet cover. So you know where we'll be all day? Trying to fur it back up, of course! He gets in tonight, and will be interviewing for a job as a firefighter in Charleston this weekend. Please purr for him that the interview goes well, thanks!


Summer at said...

Wow, if he gets the job, does that mean he will get to rescue kitties from fires and trees? That would be awesome!

Jasper McKitten-Cat said...

That would be awesome. He's been good to us so I'm sure he would rescue cats.

bstpLaces2trvel said...

Well written.