This is our neighbor's visitor cat -- Zoey. I've been meaning to introduce you to her properly for a while now. Remember a while back she was putting her stink on when he would take the morning litter scoopings out? And she was playing with Maggie through the front window. Well this picture was taken a few weekends ago when the neighbor was over checking on the HVAC before the weather cooled down. Zoey tagged along and played in the mulch. Zoey's family has three indoor cats that Mom and Dad cat-sat a while back, but unfortunately Zoey is Feline Leukemia Positive so she has to stay outside. But she is very sweet, even if she puts her stink on Dad in the mornings. I guess we can let her visit.
She is a very pretty kitty cat. I can see why your Dad might give her a pet or two.
Zoey's a lovely girl! Our mom wouldn't be able to resist her.
We're glad you had a great Sunday with your humans! :-)
She is quite a lovely girl.
zoey is very beautiful!
Spending the extra hour with cats is the proper way to spend it!
Zoey looks like a good girl...
Zoey look like a sweet girl and we're happy she has a home, albeit an Outdoor one.
Mum just melted at that sweet face.I do hope she is happy. I am glad your dad gets to pet her.. Hugs GJ xx
Zoey looks like an adorable kitty! How sad that she can't come inside with the others.
She is such a cutie pie!!
Zoey is a pretty girl!
Is she safe and well cared for living outside?
so nice to meet you! Love your blog!
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these Kittens looking good thanks for sharing.
Oh noes...an felv positive kitty living outside can spread it to other outside kitties--not very good 'preventative medicine'...
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