Here's a cute picture of Maggie giving Mom some raspberries last weekend. Isn't she so cute?
I wanted to post a happy picture because we are a little sad. Mom and Dad's friend's cat crossed the bridge yesterday. Tucker experienced renal failure, and Mom and Dad suspect foul play by the neighbor. Tucker spent most of his life as an indoor cat, but got a taste for the outdoor life recently. The neighbor made it clear that he had nothing for Tucker and made several threats (like Tucker was causing any problems -- come on!?!). Over the past few weeks Tucker has not been well, and yesterday his kidneys failed. I can't imagine how someone can be so cruel. I know someone who Tucker will be waiting for at the bridge -- to show him the down escalator. In the meantime, since we can't bite him on the butt, we send him raspberries and karma wishes.
That's an adorable pic of Maggie!
We are sorry to read about Tucker and are sending his humans purrs and healing Light, for comfort.
We luff that little pink tongue.
We are so sorry for Tucker and his family. And we are thinking very dark thoughts about that neighbor. Just an evil person.
Isn't Maggie adorable! I'm so sorry to hear about Tucker.
Oh that makes us really upset to hear about Tucker. Purrs.
That is one contented kitty! Sorry to hear about your neighborcat Tucker. One never knows what mean people are close by...it is scary outside and full of worries...
I am both sad and mad about Tucker - as far as I am concerned, if that neighbor is responsible in any way for Tucker's death, he is a murderer!
That is sad about Tucker. We are sending purrs to his family.
We can see how you are loving that Maggie.
Maggie you're adorable!!
We are so sorry to hear about Tucker. What's sad is I wouldn't put it past a human to do something like that. My neighbor poisoned my two cats and dog when I was a kid. I feel for Tuckers family. (((hugs)))
Just look at that little doll face!
We're so sad by what happened to Tucker. I say, people who have no soul cannot see it in others. We know where he's going.
Oh, and after seventy eleven years of schedule changes, Mom is on the verge of getting treatment. Woo hoo!
We are so sorry to hear about Tucker...we send comforting purrs to all of you who are missing him so much.
How dreadful. We came because we just discovered the Blogosphere calendar that said you had a gotcha day. So sorry to hear the bad news. We'll push the bugger down the stairway to the BBQ pit for you.
Poor Tucker. We are sad for your friends losing Tucker to kidney failure. It's a shame he was hated by the neighbor.
Today is Tuesday (after midnight) so it is your dad bean's birthday. So Happy Birthday, Dad Bean!
We send purrs to Tucker's fambly, and a big 'ol hisssssss to da naybor. Hope karma bites him on da butt big time. Happy birthday to yoor daddy too!
Happy birthday to your dad.
We're sending comforting purrrayers to Tucker and his beans.
Poor Tucker.
Sounds like our neighbor cat Tiger who had diabetes so he peed a lot, unfortunately wherever he needed to in the house. So they mad him live outside. Even in 20 below. Mom looked after him (food, shelter) in his last two years, hopefully made somewhat of a difference in that nice cat's life.
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