Mom received a Cat Lady Box around Thanksgiving and I have been meaning to give it a proper review on the blog. Dad had posted a picture on Instagram about all the cool stuff that came in the box, but until it has been properly inspected by a cat it really hasn't been properly inspected.

We were super excited when we came home and found the Cat Lady Box on the front porch waiting for us. Mom and Dad quickly took it upstairs to investigate. Here is the anticipation picture ... with a few cool notes from Dorian.

The first thing that caught Mom's eye when she opened the box was this super cute cat watch! Who can resist constantly checking the time when it has a face like that?

Also, there was this great reusable shopping bag that declares "Cats are my Bag." Mom and Dad love reusable bags anyway, so you know this one will be used on the next trip to the farmers' market.

We also really loved this sparkly cat keychain. I think Mom is going to put her work keys on this keychain so she is reminded of us when she is at the office.

But one of the coolest parts of the Cat Lady Box is that we weren't forgotten, because what's a cat lady without her cats? The Cat Lady Box included a cool niptastic drumstick for us to play with ...

... and these great Cloud 9 treats too! (These are definitely fancy treats because there's French writing on the label.)
We weren't really sure what to expect from the Cat Lady Box (a lint roller to get cat hair off Mom's clothes?) but I have to say we were very excited about everything that was included. And as a bonus, there's a BOX for us to sit in!
I know it's getting close to the order deadline for Christmas, but even if you miss that deadline, a Cat Lady Box a gift that keeps giving because you can subscribe and give that special cat lady in your life prizes throughout the year. And who wouldn't want that? Visit the
Cat Lady Box website for more information about how to get your box of goodies.
You know something else that's really cool, you can even shop for stuff from past boxes that you've missed, like the
Cloud 9 treats, mugs, jewelry, and t-shirts (
this one's my favorite). Enjoy!
[I was not paid for this review -- I just really liked it and wanted to share...]