Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween!

Happy early Halloween! It's going to be spooky and ghouls time soon, so all you kittens out there be careful! It's not always the best time of year to be a black cat, so Huggy Bear's going to be spending trick-or-treat time hanging out on his hammock. Have fun, and only eat kitten-approved candy. And be patient with your beans if they try to dress you up in a costume -- they really can't help themselves.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Happy 6th Blogoversary!

Today is my 6th Blogoversary! I can't believe it, really. I started this blog on a whim a long time ago, back when I was in a one-cat apartment. Josie and Huggy Bear were two of four kittens who had recently been born to a neighbor's momma cat, and they were being awful cute around the apartment building, sleeping on the handrails, and playing around Mom and Dad's pumpkins they had carved. Honestly, I never expected the blog to last. It was a way for Dad to see pictures of me when he was at work, and to keep a little journal of the kittens as Mom and Dad fostered the litter of Josie and Huggy Bear (and Curly and Frisky) until they were adopted out. But then I started meeting other cat bloggers. When I started, I had no idea there were even other cats out there with blogs. Now look at how many there are. I remember visiting every cat blog in less than 30 minutes -- it was so easy back then. I know I've slowed with my posts a little over the past year -- it's been a bit of a challenging year -- but I'm still proud to be a member of the Cat Blogosphere and try to visit when I get a chance. I'm very thankful for all of you. And I'm looking forward to the adventures of the coming year!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Happy Birthday Derby! In honor of your birthday, here's my Tocktober picture (well, Huggy Bear's).

Huggy Bear's tocks
Mom loves his floofy tocks, especially the way they show up when we're in the window.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Two for Tuesday

Part of having windows open is that you have to sometimes share a window.

Jasper and Maggie discussing what's outside
I was in the window first when Maggie decided to come and join me. We had to discuss if this was OK.

Jasper sharing the window with Maggie
I'm a good big brother, so it should come as no surprise that I shared the window with Maggie with little fuss.

Mom and Dad had a friend who was in the hospital, so Friday and Sunday nights Mom stayed with her at the hospital. We missed having Mom home, so when Dad was in bed those nights we all slept in Mom's spot and on her pillow. Then Monday Mom stayed home because she was exhausted and needed the day to recover, and Maggie was Mom's shadow. Maggie didn't like not having Mom home at night, so she was determined to make sure Mom stayed put. Unfortunately it's back to work for Mom today.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Huggy Bear's hammock

Huggy Bear on his hammock
We got this awesome hammock from Forty Paws during Secret Paws two years ago (wow, time flies...). Well, Huggy Bear has pretty much claimed it as his -- hair and stink and all. He sleeps in it almost every night. We all checked it out when we first got it, but I think it's stretched out just right for Huggy Bear's shape. If he keeps stretching it out I think he'll be on the floor soon. I'm not saying Huggy Bear is heavy for it, I'm just saying he's broken it in well.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tabby Tuesday

We've had such wonderful weather here lately, it's meant extra open window time.

Maggie watching out the window
Maggie loves having the windows open. She'll snoopervise everything going on, and there's been a lot going on. Our neighbor does heating and air work, and Mom asked him to come and look at our units to make sure they were OK before the cooler weather came. He was in and out of the house, and even in the attic (Josie looked up the steps to the hatch, but didn't want to climb them). It's a good thing he came, too, because he found mold (yuck!) but was able to get it all cleaned up.

Speaking of cleaning up, on Thursday and Friday, Mom and Dad were in serious clean-up mode. Mom's brother and father came last weekend for the Alabama-South Carolina football game, but Mom's brother is allergic to cats so she had to get all our furs up (and there was a lot of fur!). We had a nice visit, even if his Alabama team lost. We got to put our stink on them when they weren't paying attention, and that's fun too.

You could tell Mom's brother isn't a cat guy because he saw Maggie in the sink and asked, "What's the cat doing in the sink?" Well, duh, why wouldn't a cat be in the sink? It's the best spot in the whole house!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Mancat Monday

Even a Mancat can be sad when an old favorite toy has seen it's last day. Pink mouse was hunted a lot, and provided hours and hours of entertainment for Huggy Bear, as well as the rest of us. But it was Huggy Bear's mouse. Unfortunately, it was losing it's stitches, and started to be more of a hazard, so pink mouse had to go.

HB with pink mouse, his old friend
Huggy Bear said his final farewell. But fear not, I think a trip to Target may net a new pink mouse soon.

Goodbye pink mouse
Pink mouse about to lose it's insides.

Goodbye pink mouse
The eye came off pretty early in the play, but the loss of the ear was the final blow.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Up close and personal

Up close and personal
This is one of my favorite old pictures -- and very meaningful because it was the new camera Mom and Dad got for Christmas in 2007. I can't believe that was 2007, but Flickr says it is, so it must be. So now Mom has her early Christmas camera, and the next pictures will be from the new camera. I'll try to get something up tomorrow, but I'm not promising because -- surprise surprise -- Mom and Dad will be over at the theatre tonight. There's a magic show Friday and Saturday, so this is the tech week where they get the sound and lighting and lobby decorations up (Mom and Dad are doing lobby decorations). But with all that going on, I still think they can upload one picture!

Also this week Mom's dad and brother are coming for a visit. They want to watch the Alabama-South Carolina football game. Mom's brother is allergic to cats, so there's going to be a lot of evening cleaning going on Wednesday and Thursday. Really no point in doing it over the weekend because you know we'd just put all the hair back anyway.

So that's why you get an old picture today -- with the promise of new and exciting coming soon!

Monday, October 04, 2010

New camera but no pictures?

Yes, Mom got a new camera -- a Canon Rebel. She's been having lots of fun with it, too, especially taking lots of pictures of us. But even though she got a new camera, it appears she hasn't gotten more time yet. So there are a bunch of cool pictures of us -- still on the memory card in the camera. Hopefully by Wordless Wednesday I'll have something to post!